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Access Casters brings you a vast assortment of ball transfers from Hudson Bearings, a leader in providing items for the materials handling industry. Rest assured that these products are made right here in the USA and are ideal for use on conveyor systems, turntables, platforms, and cargo rolling decks. Choose from a wide assortment of ball sockets, such as flange mounted ball transfers, stud mounted ball transfers, machined ball transfers, heavy duty ball transfers, drop-in style, and many others. Find the type of ball sockets you need and place your order—it’s as simple as that!
Hudson Bearings is a recognized manufacturer of these types of products and you’ll want to note that all plating is RoHS compliant. Never lose time or money in lost productivity by ordering here, with discounts offered for 100-piece volumes. Make Access Casters your go-to resource and you can expect exceptional customer care and fast delivery of the ball transfers you need.
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